DigiPlus Interactive Corporation (DigiPlus Interactive Corporation) greeted the New Year by onboarding several new officers on board. As a fresh start, on 11th of February 2022, the Company initiated a workshop to reset its vision and mission, and plot down a new set of company core values that will align with the changes.
The whole day workshop was attended by 13 department heads and was facilitated by external consultants. The workshop kickstarted with an icebreaker activity wherein each one gets the chance to interact and familiarize with other attendees. There were also group activities that engaged everyone in a friendly competition.
Striving out of the pandemic, DigiPlus Interactive Corporation is moving aggressively towards multiple innovations and such activities that fosters camaraderie and teamwork were essential to ensure that key officers in the Company are aligned towards the same direction and goal. With all the new initiatives and plans to be rolled out this 2022, DigiPlus Interactive Corporation ensures that every department and business unit leaders will be ready to take on the changes and challenges from hereon and beyond.
With an added boost to the morale of the management team, DigiPlus Interactive Corporation believes that empowering its people to be adaptable to change is the key to success. The Company also sees that a new set of vision, mission and core values is also the first step to embark on in order to realign its new business strategies and action plans.